Life before Death*

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The question of “What does this mean?” is a question that continues coming up and is re-evaluated. I feel like this is a question that talks to the heart of magic to me.

We are often taught to think about “I would die for…” as a way of identifying how valuable it is for you, and what a sacrifice you would be willing to make it happen. And with that, I am reminded of another quote. “Dying is easy[,] living is harder.”**

If it means so much for us to be willing to die for something, what does it mean if you are willing to live for something? And what does that entail?

Now, I cannot tell you what living life should be. I, in fact, despise the word “should”. But I can remind you that Nothing is Epic. Magic starts by creating tiny changes, persisting them forward, and continuing to add small changes over time. In the Peruvian linage of Paq’os teaches that we need to take care of our Grandchildren’s Grandchildren. So, for us to succeed in living, it would be to create a world where our distant ancestry could succeed. So, my advice might be how to achieve that.

First of all, I want all of you to know that you are INCREDIBLY powerful. I am sure it doesn’t feel like it. I am sure it feels like you are perpetually failing at everything you try. This is often where my mind lands too. But even taking on the hard task of looking at what is heavy for you right now, being able to think about and be honest about the situation you are in can be enough to get you started.***

  1. The biggest thing we could do is to introspect on our own behavior. What are we doing that we would NOT want our kids to repeat? What values do we have that we want to model for our kids, and how do we tweak behaviors to match those values.
  2. Think ahead. While I am don’t want to get on my soap box about how MBA’s can ruin the world, I feel like the negative side of business is really shaping us in ways that are harmful in he long term. “How do I maximize profits for this quarter?” has a way of borrowing from the future. And those of us with debts know how dangerous that can be.
    • Look at your long term goal(s)
    • Look at and be honest about the place from which you are starting.
    • Consider what is one thing you can do today that works you towards your goal(s).
    • Consider what you can do this week that work you towards your goal(s).
    • … all the way up through you get to your goal(s).
    • For me, this process really looks like, how can I use what I have today to build towards that goal, without completely sacrificing today? We need balance.
    • Check back on your goal(s) and plan often.
    • Communicate with your friends and family what your goals are and what you are doing towards achieving them.
  3. Remember the golden rule? I guarantee that you do not wish to be ostracized for something that you have no control over. I guarantee that you wish to be neither boldly nor subtly pushed aside due to who you are. If you find that you have a gut level response to a group of people, please take the time to think about why. Seeing deep evidence that a group of people are trying to hurt others, it is great to stand against that. If you find that your evidence mostly involves other people agreeing with you or someone you are around, this is NOT how you would like your treatment to be decided. Please take time to consider, and own your responses to other people, no matter who or what they are. If you decide that you are right to dislike them, own it and be clear. But I invite you to consider that most people in groups want the same as you. To be treated with a base level of respect, to do good work in the world, and to see their children succeed.

These 3 rules are actually a HUGE ask of you. I invite you to really think about it. What does living mean to you? Even with how hard it is, can you do the work to live every day?

* I would like to give credit for this quote the book series “The Storm Light Archives” by Brandon Sanderson
** This quote comes from the musical Hamilton by Lin Manual Miranda.
*** Everyone’s situations are different, you might be in a situation that is immediately dangerous. This is NOT a space to start slowly introspecting your actions. There is a BIG difference between taking responsibility for your actions, and taking on the wait of abuse as your own challenge. Please NEVER let yourself think that you are responsible for the way someone abuses you.

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